The Big Game is one of the largest events in both the sporting and advertising calendars. Some people tune in for the football, some for the halftime show, and for others, the experience is all about the commercials. For brands, agencies, and sports fans alike, nothing compares to the Big Game.
With 2025’s Big Game on the horizon, Cint surveyed around 300 respondents in the United States to explore consumer sentiments on the impact that The Big Game advertisements have on them, looking at brand perception, purchasing decisions, and social media conversation.
The results have been collated in 2025: Big Game, Big Results? A new report by Cint.
The report explores:
How likely is a Big Game commercial to change consumer perception of a brand
The likelihood of consumers participating in social media conversation around Big Game advertisements
What platform consumers primarily see The Big Game campaigns run on
The impact that Big Game commercials have on consumer purchasing behavior
How favorably consumers feel toward brands that advertise during the The Big Game